Ilulissat Science Forum 2023

Illu Illumiut aqq. 18, Ilulissat, Greenland

Science, art, tourism, and industry in Greenland – opportunities and challenges in the face of climate change. The University of Bergen, The Norwegian Embassy in Denmark, and Avannaata municipality invite researchers and others interested to Ilulissat Science Forum 2023, and the opening of the Illu – Science and Art Hub in Ilulissat, Greenland. Find full program and

Climate Narratives at Arctic Frontiers

Climate Narratives PhD candidate Linda Latuta present at Arctic Frontiers.   Arctic Frontiers 2024 ACTIONS & REACTIONS Tromsø, Norway 29 January – 1 February, 2024

From Studio to Site -Online Art Lecture series – The collective and the individual through art history.

This lecture will present an overview of collective and individual practice throughout history. Beginning with the Blombos cave in South Africa which has been described as the ‘Oldest Art Studio’ by National Geographic (approx. 100,000 years ago) and ending with a focus on Documenta 15 in Kassel Germany which highlighted artist groups. Join Zoom Meeting

From Studio to Site -Online Art Lecture series – Public art and preparing art proposals.

This lecture will focus on examples of different types of public art projects and give an in-depth overview of how to prepare a proposal for submission. The lecture will cover research, concept development, budget, visualization material and cv/bio. Join Zoom Meeting (recommended) Meeting ID: 618 2016 3772 Password: rknh4XG9

Ice Music Festival Ilulissat

Ilulissat Icefjord Centre Sermermiut Aqqutaa B 2089, Ilulissat, Avannaata Kommunia, Greenland

‘Greenland Sessions’ A special set of Arctic concerts. We are very excited to stage the annual Ice Music Festival with a set of outdoor concerts and art installations combined with a science camp in Ilulissat on the 9th and 10th of March 2024. When the first ice note is played, the sound emitted will mark

From Studio to Site -Online Art Lecture series – Artist writing and Artist Statements

This lecture will present a brief overview of some examples through the history of artists writing about their own artwork and the artwork of others. We will also discuss writing artist statements and different ways describing your practice through text. Join Zoom Meeting (recommended) Meeting ID: 618 2016 3772 Password: rknh4XG9

From Studio to Site -Online Art Lecture series – Artist’s websites and presenting you artwork online.

This lecture will look at different artists websites including a brief history of internet base art and use them as case studies for how to present your artwork online. We will also discuss different online opportunities for profiling your artwork. Join Zoom Meeting (recommended) Meeting ID: 618 2016 3772 Password: rknh4XG9

Ilulissat – Icefjord challenge

Ilulissat Icefjord Centre Sermermiut Aqqutaa B 2089, Ilulissat, Avannaata Kommunia, Greenland

Icefjord challenge along the magnificent UNESCO Ilulissat Kangia! #IIC24 A truly challenging and magnificent experience for young and old, locals and visitors, participants and volunteers! Read more about the event here Ilulissat Icefjord Challenge - Skiløb i Ilulissat, Grønland (

GEUS pop-up workshops

Illu Illumiut aqq. 18, Ilulissat, Greenland

This summer GEUS will be doing geological mapping in Greenland. In connection to this GEUS will be hosting several open days at ILLU, where they will be setting up a pop-up exhibition! Exact days will be published later!    

Havets hvisker

Illu Illumiut aqq. 18, Ilulissat, Greenland

’Havets hvisken’ Den interaktive performative installation på ILLU den 17. – 19. oktober med dansere 16:30 og kl. 17:30 Havets hvisken er et aktivistisk projekt om de globale klimaforandringer. En interaktiv performativ installation i krydsfeltet mellem kunst, dans, musik og lysdesign. Med udgangspunkt i en dialog med oprindelige folkeslag fra Grønland, Brasilien og Skandinavien om