Temperate Zone

Image/ill: UIB livestream

Bergen’s new climate festival “Varmere, våtere, villere” (“Warmer, wilder, wetter”) got off to a flying start led by UiB and the Bjerknes Center in the Aula on Wednesday 16 March. Here Kikki Kleiven directed and led the audience through lectures and debates about climate and sustainability. One of the features focused on the GEO project ClimateNarratives.
Read news article in Norwegian on UIB webpages here. Continue reading “Temperate Zone”

Climate Narratives kick-off

Participants at the kick-off meeting for the project ClimateNarratives,
at Solstrand 22–23 February 2022. Photo: Ellen Viste

Two-day Climate Narratives kick off in beautiful surroundings at Solstrand Hotel in Os, Norway. Among other things the programme included science presentations, workpackage presentations, discussions and a gallery visit. 
Inspired and excited for the years to come.

Continue reading “Climate Narratives kick-off”

Communicating climate change through art in Greenland and Fiji

Screenshot from news article on:

“According to O’Kane the project’s aim is to exchange experience through art, and to explain, write and draw climate stories with children and young people in Greenland and the Pacific.   O’Kane explains that the artists involved, like himself, will seek to understand and learn from those who live with climate change today.”
Read more on UiB – KMD website here.

Climate and polar research – new approved interdisciplinary project from NFR

Screenshot from news article:

“It is radically interdisciplinary! Central to the project is exchanging experiences through art, explaining, writing and drawing climate stories with children and young people in Greenland and the Pacific. We will understand and learn from those who live and work with the changes today, the changes that are already there. We learn from them, that’s what’s important, says Nisancioglu”

Read news article on UIB website here. (Article in Norwegian)

Funding allocated from the Norwegian Research Council

Screenshot from news article: https://bjerknes.uib.no/en/node/3165

“Over 140 million kroner to Bjerknes researchers.
Climate-art exchange, Arctic ice, cyclones, Norwegian fjords and much more! A total of 12 projects led by Bjerknes researchers were today supported by the Research Council of Norway.”

Read the news article on Bjerknes Center for Climate Research website. (Article in Norwegian)